Sunday, December 05, 2010

That's the way how he eats yoghurt!

a nine month crawler

Our speed-crawler has been nine-month old and trying to stand up by himself. It seems that all of that crawling, stretching and standing builds his muscles and increases his coordination for his first steps. I am trying to keep my camera charged in case he walks any moment.
His language skills have blossomed these days. He does not just babble, he is making sentences I believe!

I got my very first tooth!

After nine months, following 6 months of teething, now today, the first tooth peeked through.
The last one week was the most difficult for me probably. High fever, coughing, crying without any apparent reason and a runny nose... The result is a tooth. I wonder if this is going to be the same for the following 31 teeth!
The comrade tooth is waiting to sprout any moment.. I just wish to have a tight sleep for a week or two.


Alemin Kralı Sevgili Günlük,
this was the way I started writing out my free online diary--Penzu. However, I remembered that I had a blog, and a very pretty blog that is waiting to be written for some time. Now my students can read as well.
Penzu is a free online diary, seems to the best among the other online diary websites. I read a lot of nice reviews about it, and as a one month project I decided to include it among my lesson plans.

Everyone got a user name--not as Pro user-- and handed in their user names and passwords. I promised them to check every day. I am doing my best, of course, not every day. In five days time, half of them has written their diaries. Great job!
Probably I will write a paper on my Penzu project next year.